


VAGYESTHETICS ™ name and term are exclusive property of Rejuvé Face & Body Spa and no use or other rights are granted with respect to these marks without the express, or written approval


Lighten the pigment of your intimate area

Many individuals have a natural discoloration surrounding the exterior of the anus, and just as many people find it less than desirable.. Our “Brightening” treatment provides a safe and easy way to lighten your skin and make you feel sexy all over. Featuring a gentle lightening agent that won’t irritate, or have dangerous side effects.

Our accelerated skin brightening system for Sensitive Areas is designed for use on the anal, vaginal, genital, underarm, face, knees/elbows and other intimate areas or scars and burn marks. Great for ALL skin types! Typical results after the first visit are 2-3 shades lighter and will continue to lighten with repeat visits.

Speed of the visual result is contingent on your melanin depth which you’ve inherited. Everyone lightens up at different speeds. A Package is available for those that need a series of treatments.


A cleansing and beneficial treatment for Vaginal and Uterine area

V steam” is known as vaginal steaming (or Yoni Steaming. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for womb or vagina). The treatment is used to cleanse and revitalize the uterus, effectively reducing discomfort associated with menstruation.

The effectiveness of vaginal steams isn’t limited to just eliminating cramps. Yoni steaming has been known by women throughout history to:

  • Significantly reduce discomfort, bloating and exhaustion associated with monthly cycles
  • Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses
  • Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  • Increase fertility; especially when combined with a
  • Mayan Abdominal Massage
  • Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth
  • Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness and uterine prolapse
  • Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids
  • Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and maintain healthy odor
  • Relieve symptoms of menopause


Detoxify & Cleanse the intimate skin

Intimate care is essential. It provides us with that sense of security and reassurance. We feel more sexy and more confident. At Rejúve, your vaginal rejúvenation begins with a detoxifying cleanse, followed by extractions with a Pore Tx Brightening Enzyme, Phototherapy & finished by a Hydrating Mask.

A truly exotic experience for your Kitty…


A One of a Kind Treatment

With the Jetpeel Technology; which uses the powerful strength of a Jet Engine, along with Cosmeceuticals, Oxygen, & a Chemical Peel to gently but fiercefully treat the skin – this treatment aims to achieve a healthier appearance. Treating many issues that may be affecting you such as

Skin Texture, Acne, Blemishes, Scars, Hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration), Blackheads and other comedones.

We start with a soothing steaming of the area followed by a gentle suction to help release dirt and debris, then a powerful detox with the Jetvajacial to continue with the deep cleansing, followed by a potent AHA application and with a nutrient and vitamin infusion. Our Jetvajacial TM will have you feeling Brand New.


A non-invasive labial firming & plumping treatment

ReVive Laser Treatments protect the epidermal layer of the skin; to ensure maximum comfort.

Great for women suffering from Lax Vaginal Tissue due to Aging or Childbirth.


Clean everywhere; the brazilian way

Our Authentic Brazilian Waxing (with Mary, who trained in Brazil with the best) will leave you very refreshed. We make the process comfortable; done with precise pain reducing techniques! We also provide a complimentary numbing that helps you relax during the treatment.

Our Brazilian Wax covers the removal of all your pubic hair; including your Bikini, Mons Pubis, Lips, Inner Buttocks and butt crack line. Add On a Pore High frequency treatment for just $10 and prevent bacteria and ingrowns.

A post treatment hydrating and healing oil is applied to soothe and hydrate the so delicate skin of your vagina!


Brighten Up at Home

Our Vagybright is formulated with Natural Brighteners, Exotic Brazilian

Oils, & AHA & BHA; to smooth and brighten the so delicate area

of each lady.